Kolkata Centre for Creativity

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Kolkata Centre for Creativity

In collaboration with Consulate General of Italy in Kolkata 

( Consul General of Italy in India Gianluca Rubagotti)


Tigris – “The Queen of wildlife”

by Maurizio Boscheri and Daniel Calovi Kolkata,

Curator Mario Liberali

16th . 23th  September 2022

Kolkata Centre for Creativity, in collaboration with Consulate General of Kolkata is hosting Tigris – “The Queen of wildlife” by Maurizio Boscheri and Daniel Calovi. The exhibition will display 17 different works on canvas, some workshops and sessions which will increase the general awareness about tiger conservation. The exhibition will be on view from 16th September – 24th September 2022, from 11 am – 6 pm on the 1st floor (Amphitheatre) at Kolkata Centre for Creativity.

The show is open to all. Curated by Mario Liberali, the exhibition ‘Tigris – The Queen of wildlife’ celebrates the 75 glorious years of bilateral diplomatic relations between Italy and India. The exhibition will be accompanied by a series of events, such as painting and restoration workshops with local artists and students, and a seminar on tiger conservation. In the following days of 17th, 20th & 24th of September 2022, three workshops will be organized, focused on painting, application of mix media on canvas, and restoration. .The workshops will include art students from renowned art colleges across the city who will join Maurizio Boscheri and Daniel Calovi and paint a subject taking inspiration from the works of these two Italian artists.


A seminar with experts on tiger conservation, open to the general public, will take place on 23rd of September 2022. During the workshops the Italian artists will paint two canvas for the Durga Puja Pandal, 71 Palli and Baishakhi Sarbojanin Durgotsab Samity, as a further demonstration of the strong bond between the two cultures and two peoples of the two countries. “Kolkata Centre for Creativity is privileged to organise the exhibition Tigris — The Queen of Wildlife in association with the Consulate General of Italy in Kolkata. I hope that this unique tribute to the Royal Bengal Tiger by the two Italian artists, Maurizio Boscheri and Daniel Calovi, captivates the viewers and urges them to think about Tiger conservation.

Seventeen oils and mixed media on canvas have been created, on gold or silver leaf backgrounds, through traditional painting methods as well as the application of semiprecious stones, and in all of them the protagonist is one: the Royal Bengal Tiger, the national animal of India. It is the first time the works by Maurizio and Daniel are exhibited in India, and with this show we also want to create awareness about wildlife conservation and environmental protection” says Ms Reena Dewan, Director, Kolkata Centre for Creativity


Consolato d’Italia apre mostra sulla Tigre del Bengala a Kolkata – News dalle Ambasciate – Ansa.it

Painters | Italian artist Maurizio Boscheri gifted Kolkata a mural depicting the Royal Bengal tiger and the peacock – Telegraph India

Tigris-The-Queen-of-wildlife-by-Maurizio-Boscheri-and-Daniel-Calovi-2022.pdf (emamigroup.com)

Art | Italian artist Italian artist Maurizio Boscheri’s Gariahat mural espouses wildlife conservation – Telegraph India

Maurizio Boscheri

38068 Rovereto (TN)

Email: [email protected]
Tel: +39 349 5654485