Maurizio Boscheri

Maurizio Boscheri – Painter artist –

Traveler, always in love with the nature of the world, without any specific school, he began painting in 1997, self-taught.

Exhibits at Villa Borghese, Roma – Teatro Smeraldo, Milano – Museo d’Arte Moderna, Classica e Contemporanea Cà la Ghironda, Bologna- Torre Branca, Milano – Villa Caldogno, Vicenza – Art Expo, New York – ArtePadova – MUSE, Trento – Mohatta Palace Museum, Karachi – Gallerie Internazionali in USA, Paris, Cairo, Dubai, Shanghai, Colombo, Vienna, Karachi Lahore and in some Italian galleries with international scope, also alongside Ligabue, Keith Haring, Francis Bacon, Folon and others.

In 2011 he participated in the 54th Venice Biennale, “Art is not our thing” curated by Vittorio Sgarbi, – Italy Pavilion – in the exhibitions in Milan and Turin.

He was included among the international artists to represent the “Transavantgarde” chapter in the volume “Animals in Art” published by Skira with a preface by Vittorio Sgarbi and a critical comment by Vladek Cwalinsky. “By Maurizio Scudiero.

In 2012 it was published in the volume “The state of the art” by Vittorio Sgarbi with the work “Air-cadia”, with a critical text by Giorgia Cassini. In 2014 he exhibited BiodivestitArt at the MUSE in trento, and published the volume of the same title with about fifty works. In 2016 he exhibited at the Mohatta Palace Museum in Karachi, Pakistan and made a permanent mural at Jinnah International Airport, Karachi. In 2017 he participated in the Karachi Biennale with the Reel on Hai project.

Some of his works have been auctioned at auctions held by Sotheby’s in Lisbon. His works are now present in numerous private collections, institutions and museums in Italy and abroad.

Born in Mezzolombardo di Trento on May 5, 1955, he lives in Rovereto, TN, and in Galle in Sri Lanka, where he works in his ateliers immersed in the lush green of the island.

Art is an impetuous channel of expression and I feel immense joy when an observer is captivated by one of my paintings, because a picture is not just a group of colours, but the result of work performed with the heart and energy…… Nature has always been my sole source of interest and curiosity, colours are my second skin, food for my mind, a means of communicating with my soul, a reflection of my emotions. Each piece of work reflects my mood, when I am peaceful I mainly use warm shades from greens, to yellows and orange, then when my feelings change comes the period of blues, reds, greys, golds and silver…… The Aboriginal dots and writings of the world…… Inspired by Australian Aboriginal rock art, I have made this ancient language my own, offering a new interpretation of it in my work, in which it acts as a link between the human and animal world: the subjects of my paintings observe us and communicate with us, with their explosive power and beauty and I am only the “trait d’union” between their world and ours. These are the means with which I build secret castles of the enigma of my soul, the closely guarded, hidden part, which will only be revealed to an attentive interpreter.The others, who I depict in my paintings, go in silence, without a sound, forever, in the indifference of mankind, the main promoter of this ecocide.

Maurizio Boscheri

[email protected]

tel 349 5654485

Maurizio Boscheri

38068 Rovereto (TN)

Email: [email protected]
Tel: +39 349 5654485